My Friend Morgan

As the capstone project of my CS degree, I worked with 4 other students to create an ethical simulation that would be used by professors in USC Marshall School of Business as an exercise to discuss about one's own ethical behavior.


UI/UX designs

Front-end developer

Back-end developer


Jan 2023 - May 2023



React / React Bootstrap



Key Skills:

UI design

Creating an API/API calls

Server-side events


As a team of five, we worked with USC Marshall Business School's Experiential Learning Center (ELC) to develop an ethical simulation. This ethical simulation would be used in future business classes by professors to teach about ethics in business settings. We held bi-weekly stakeholder calls with the head coordinators of the ELC to update on our progress and to ensure we are on the right path.

Project Concept:

We built an an ethical exercise to give participants a chance to reflect their own ethical behavior and take accountability for it. It consisted of an anonymous survey taken by students to and a custom case scenario built based on their answers. This ethical exercise can be taken individually or in groups and in the classroom or in the ELC labs.

Implementation Design:

We decided to to implement a layered architecture separating the application into 3 parts: data layer, logic layer, and UI layer. We also designed our database by organizing variables into separate objects, such as Admin object, Session object, Room object, etc. Lastly, we designed socket events that will be needed to communicate between client and server.

User Flow:

Final Product:

Below is a final presentation of our capstone project explaining the tools and skills we learned, as well as what we can improve on. The demo begins at 8:40.