
As the final project for my iOS class, I built an app around sunsets. Amber reminds users of when sunsets are occurring, depending on where they are currently based. They can build their own profiles and share photos taken during the sunset.


UI/UX designs

iOS developer


April 2023 - May 2023



Xcode / Swift

iOS Frameworks


Key Skills:

UI design

iOS development

Project Concept:

Amber is a social app built around sunset. Amber reminds users of when sunset is occurring and encourages them to take photos during the time frame. Users can share and enjoy sunset photos taken by their friends.

I built this app around sunsets after learning about the benefits of watching sunsets everyday. From an episode from Andrew Huberman's podcast, he mentioned that viewing sunsets adjusts the cells in the eye, such that it buffers you from the negative effects of light late at night. This in turn helps you fall asleep at night.

User Profile:
Amber would be perfect for people who love photography and sunsets. The target age range would be 18- 25 years old.
Key features:
Key pages would include a sign in/sign up page, home page that shows the time of sunset (depending on where they're located), camera feature, and a discover feed that showcases the photos taken by the user's friend.
Technology Items:

For authenticating user profiles, storing photos, and storing basic information of the app, I used Firebase Authentication, Firebase Storage, and Firestore, respectively. I also used another 3rd party API called Sunrise Sunset to retrieve accurate sunset times given any latitude and longitude.

I used two Apple Frameworks to aid my development of the app. I used Core Location to determine the exact location of where this app is being used. I used UI Kit's UI Image Picker to activate the camera feature of the phone and UI Kit's Data Formatter to format the dates correctly.


Low fidelity:

High fidelity:

Final Product:

Below is a demonstration of the app on my iPhone. In the video, I demonstrate creating an account, logging in, changing the profile picture, taking a photo, and submitting photo to the feed.