Daily Trojan

I am the web designer for Daily Trojan, the school newspaper of the University of Southern California. I create website layouts using Figma for Daily Trojan's special online projects. I also collaborate with website developers to make sure the end product is close to the design.


Web Designer


Aug 2021 - Present



Adobe Illustrator

Key Skills:

Website design



My first project to work on was a campus return website called “The New Normal”. I was tasked to design a website that would include articles, videos, and photos related to COVID on campus.


Below is the final product or you can visit the page here.


My second project was to create a website that celebrates Women's History Month. Since purple is the official color of International Women's Day, I wanted it to be the primary color of my designs. The purpose of this website was to assemble all existing and upcoming articles, photos, and videos that celebrate women power.